Michelle Vorce Designs

Modern Miracles of Health

Modern Miracles of Public Health / / FluorideExposed.org
Vintage images courtesy of public domain.

Did you know surgeries used to be performed in open air theatres with bare hands and faces? Or that butter was a main food group as declared by the U.S. government? I partnered with lead water ecologist and scientist of FluorideExposed.org who is uncovering the story of science in relation to the top public health achievements of the 20th century. I was approached with an already established color palette and developed custom icons that depict a diverse range of topics including family planning, motor vehicle safety, heart health, and infectious disease.

Don't Sneeze. Open-air surgical theatre circa 1900

Don't Sneeze. Open-air surgical theatre circa 1900

Butter triumphs

Butter triumphs

 in the 1950s' butter had its own food group until .... the USDA advised against large amounts of fat with the promotion of the four food pyramid of the 90's

    Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge.   - Carl Sagan


Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge. 
- Carl Sagan